Gas Generators

Gas Engine Exchange is a specialised dealer of Gas Generators. We usually have between 50 and 100 generators from Jenbacher, CAT, MWM, MAN and other top manufacturers.


nullPhoto of MAN ELECTRO HAGL E0834 E312 Complete Generating Set with engine, alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

MAN ELECTRO HAGL E0834 E312 Complete Generating Set

Hour: 32,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 47 kW

Please Apply

MAN 1Image of a MAN used natural gas generator set, suitable for industrial applications - generator for sale used

MAN E0826 E302 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 200 hr

Year: 2004

Capacity: 65 kW



MAN E0836 E302 CHP Unit Natural Gas in Acoustic Canopy

Hour: 4,500 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 70 kW



2G Agenitor RO4 Complete Containerised Biogas Genset

Hour: 318 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 84 kW

Please Apply

nullPhoto of Himoninsa HGP-110 T5 LPG generator showing outside of the soundproof container - used gas generator for sale

Himoninsa HGP-110 T5 LPG generator

Hour: 197 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 87 kW


nullImage of MAN E0836 LE302 Biogas Containerised Generating set showing outside of container - used gas generator for sale uk

MAN E0836 LE302 Biogas Containerised Generating set

Hour: 32,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 110 kW


Tedom Generator SetPhoto of Tedom TG130-5V complete genset showing a compact plug-and-play power solution - gas generator

Tedom TG130 5V Complete Plug and Play

Hour: 12,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 130 kW


nullImage of MAN E2876 E312 Natural Gas Generator Set with engine and alternator - used complete plug and play for sale

MAN E2876 E312 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 6,954 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 140 kW


nullPhoto of the outside of a Schnell CHP Biogas Container 160kW - used gas generator for sale

Schnell CHP Biogas Container with Liebherr L4R20.1BO Engine

Hour: 13,000 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 155 kW


nullPhoto of the outside of a Schnell CHP Biogas Container 160kW - used gas generator for sale

Schnell CHP Biogas Container 160kW

Hour: 13,000 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 155 kW


nullImage of Schnell CHP plant Biogas with Scania Engine 170kW with Engine DC9 Dual Fuel - used gas generator for sale uk

Schnell CHP plant Biogas with Scania Engine 170kW

Hour: 40,000 hr

Year: 2018

Capacity: 170 kW


nullImage of Tedom TB210 G5V TW86 Biogas Generating set showing the exterior of the container - used gas generator for sale

Tedom TB210 G5V TW 86 Complete Containerised Biogas Unit

Hour: 51 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 210 kW


nullAn image of Tedom TB210 G5V TW86 Biogas Generator Set with exhaust manifold and gas line - gas generator for sale

Tedom Cento TB210 G5V TW 86 Biogas Container Generator Set

Hour: 1,000 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 210 kW


nullExternal view of container 2G with MAN E2876LE302 230kW Biogas Generating Set - used gas generator

MAN E2876LE302 Biogas Containerised Generating set

Hour: 29,349 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 230 kW


nullImage of MAN E2848 LE322 Natural Gas electricity generating set - used gas generator

MAN E2848 LE322 Complete CHP Unit

Hour: 14,651 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 254 kW


nullPhoto of Guascor FGLD180 Natural Gas Generator Set showing exterior of plant - used gas generator for sale uk

Guascor FGLD180 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 31,284 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 260 kW


nullPhoto of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Schmitt Enertec Energen unit - used gas generator

2 x CHP Schmitt Enertec Energen Biogas

Hour: 65,600 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 260 kW

£40,000 each

nullPhoto of 2G Agenitor 406 261kW Complete Biogas Generator Set with base frame and alternator - secondhand genset for sale

2G Agenitor 406 Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 261 kW


nullImage of 2G Agenitor 406 Complete Biogas Generator Set with base frame and alternator - secondhand genset for sale uk

2G Agenitor 406 Complete Biogas Genset

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 261 kW


nullImage of Scania Schnell 265kW Biogas Generator Set with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

Scania Schnell 265kW Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 28,200 hr

Year: 2018

Capacity: 265 kW


nullImage of Scania Schnell 265kW Biogas Generator Set with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

Scania 265kW Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 28,200 hr

Year: 2018

Capacity: 265 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher 208 GSC Natural Gas Generating Set with Engine and Alternator - used gas generator

Jenbacher 208 GSC Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 60,000 hr

Year: 1995

Capacity: 280 kW



Jenbacher 208 GSC01 Natural Gas Complete CHP Unit

Hour: 33,000 hr

Year: 2004

Capacity: 300 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Jenbacher 208 GS CO2 landfill Complete Containerised Generator showing outside of container - used gas generator

Jenbacher 208 GS CO2 Landfill Complete Containerised Generator

Hour: 15,000 hr

Year: 2003

Capacity: 305 kW


nullPhoto of MTU E3042Z6 Complete combined heat and power CHP natural gas genset with alternator - used genset for sale uk

MTU E3042Z6 Complete CHP Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 10,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 390 kW


nullImage of Caterpillar 3508 Natural Gas 408kW Generator Set with engine and alternator - used gas generator

2 x Caterpillar 3508 Landfill Gas Generating Sets

Hour: 46,600 hr

Year: 1994

Capacity: 408 kW

€50,000 each

nullPhoto showing side view of Liebherr 2G Agenitor 412 biogas genset - used gas generator

2G Agenitor 412 Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 569 kW


nullImage of Liebherr 2G Agenitor 412 biogas engine with crank case, alternator and ignition rail - used gas generator

2G Agenitor 412 Biogas Generating Set

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 569 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher 320 Wood gas / Syngas generator with frame and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

2 x Jenbacher 320 Syngas 588kW Generators

Hour: 5,000 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 588 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Jenbacher 320 Wood gas / Syngas generator with frame and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

2 x Jenbacher 320 Wood gas / Syngas

Hour: 3,000 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 588 kW

Please Apply

Jenbacher 316 1Photo of 2 x Jenbacher 316GS BO3 Natural gas Generator Set featuring gas engine and alternator - used gas generator

2 x Jenbacher 316GS BO3 Natural gas Generator Set

Hour: 41,000 hr

Year: 1996

Capacity: 736 kW

Please Apply

MWM2016 1Photo showing exterior of (Deutz) MWM2016 V16 Natural Gas Generator Set - used gas generator

(Deutz) MWM2016 V16 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 40,460 hr

Year: 2007

Capacity: 750 kW


nullImage of Guascor Natural Gas Generator 800 kW Natural Gas Generating Set with crank case and cylinder heads - used gas generator

Guascor Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 36,400 hr

Year: 2002

Capacity: 800 kW


nullPhoto of MTU 8V 4000 L63 Complete 850 kW Trigeneration Plant with crankcase, top-end cylinders and pistons - used gas generators

2 X MTU 8V 4000 L63 Natural Gas Trigeneration Plant

Hour: 34,000 hr

Year: 2013

Capacity: 850 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Caterpillar 3516 Natural Gas Generating Set with top end cylinder - used gas generator

Caterpillar 3516 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 83,000 hr

Year: 1998

Capacity: 1,030 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher J320 Natural Gas Containerised Generator showing the exterior of the container - used gas generator

Jenbacher J320 Natural Gas Container Generator

Hour: 10,000 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 1,063 kW


nullImage showing side view of Jenbacher J320 1065 kW Natural Gas Powerplant - used gas generator

Jenbacher J320 Powerplant Natural Gas Genset

Hour: 10,000 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 1,065 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Complete Biogas Set with container, cooler, air intake - used gas generator for sale uk

Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Complete Containerised Biogas Unit

Hour: 800 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 1,067 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Biogas Set with container ancillaries and pipping - used gas generator

Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Complete Containerised Biogas Unit

Hour: 800 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 1,067 kW


nullExterior view of Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L complete containerized plant with steam boiler - used natural gas generator

Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L Complete Containerised Plant with Steam Boiler

Hour: 24,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,189 kW


nullExterior of Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L complete containerized Natural gas plant with steam boiler - used gas generator

Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L Complete Containerised Plant with Steam Boiler

Hour: 30,812 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,189 kW


nullSide view of MWM 2020V12 1200kW Biogas Generating Set with crankcase and cyclinder heads - used gas generator

MWM 2020V12 Biogas Generating Set

Hour: 18,000 hr

Year: 2014

Capacity: 1,200 kW

Please Apply

nullSide view of MWM 2020 V12 generating set with crank case and cylinders - used gas generator

MWM TCG 2020 V12 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 29,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,235 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher 420 biogas generating set - used gas generator

Jenbacher J420 GS-BL Biogas Generating set

Hour: 58,000 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 1,500 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher J420 1.5MW Powerplant Natural Gas Genset with cylinder heads - used gas generator

Jenbacher J420 1.5 MW Powerplant Natural Gas Genset

Hour: 4,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 1,500 kW

Please Apply

Jenbacher 420 2Photo of Jenbacher Jen 420-GS-B25 Biogas Complete Genset with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator

2 x JENBACHER Jen 420-GS-B25 Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 73,000 hr

Year: 2012

Capacity: 1,500 kW

€125,000 each

nullSide view of Caterpillar G3516E Natural Gas Generating Set - used gas generator

Caterpillar G3516E Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 28,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,600 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher 612 CHP Generating Set with top end cylinders and pistons - used gas generator

Complete Jenbacher 612 CHP Generating Set with CodiNox

Hour: 38,000 hr

Year: 2003

Capacity: 1,600 kW

Please Apply

nullSide view of Jenbacher 616 GSC01 Natural Gas 2MW Generating Set - used gas generator

Jenbacher 616 GSC01 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 57,000 hr

Year: 1999

Capacity: 2,000 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of used MTU 20V4000L62 Natural Gas CHP Generator Set with top end cylinders and pistons - used gas generator

MTU 20V4000L62 Natural Gas CHP Generating Set

Hour: 15,000 hr

Year: 2012

Capacity: 2,000 kW



5 x Jenbacher 616 Natural Gas Generating Sets

Hour: 30,000 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 2,500 kW


nullImage of Wartsila 16V25SG Combined Heat and Power Natural Gas Generating Set - used gas generator

2 x Wartsila 16V25SG Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generators

Hour: 3,000 hr

Year: 1996

Capacity: 2,866 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Rolls Royce KVSG 18 G4 Natural Gas Generator Set with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator

Rolls Royce KVSG 18 G4 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 63,000 hr

Year: 2004

Capacity: 3,155 kW



8 x Jenbacher 620 Complete containerised Natural Gas Units

Hour: 12,300 hr

Year: 2013

Capacity: 3,300 kW


nullImage of Bergen KVGS-18G4.2 natural gas engine with alternator in the foreground - used gas generator

Bergen KVGS-18G4.2 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 62,595 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 3,500 kW


nullTop view of Bergen B35:40-V12 AG natural gas generating set - used gas generator

Bergen B35:40-V12 AG Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 57,000 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 5,000 kW


nullTop view of Bergen B35:40-V16 AG, 6.8 MW, natural gas engine - used gas generator

Bergen B35:40-V16 AG Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 65,800 hr

Year: 2006

Capacity: 6,800 kW


9MW Wärtsilä W20V34 Natural Gas Engine GeneratorPhoto of 9MW Wärtsilä W20V34GS Natural Gas Engine Generator with synchronization Panels and switchgear - used gas generator

9MW Wärtsilä W20V34GS Natural Gas Engine Generator

Hour: 17,450 hr

Year: 2007

Capacity: 9,000 kW

Please Apply