
Please have a look at our selection of used equipment for sale. Gas Engine Exchange is a specialist provider of use gas generators and generating equipment.


nullPhoto of MAN ELECTRO HAGL E0834 E312 Complete Generating Set with engine, alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

MAN ELECTRO HAGL E0834 E312 Complete Generating Set

Hour: 32,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 47 kW

Please Apply

MAN 1Image of a MAN used natural gas generator set, suitable for industrial applications - generator for sale used

MAN E0826 E302 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 200 hr

Year: 2004

Capacity: 65 kW



MAN E0836 E302 CHP Unit Natural Gas in Acoustic Canopy

Hour: 4,500 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 70 kW



2G Agenitor RO4 Complete Containerised Biogas Genset

Hour: 318 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 84 kW

Please Apply

nullPhoto of Himoninsa HGP-110 T5 LPG generator showing outside of the soundproof container - used gas generator for sale

Himoninsa HGP-110 T5 LPG generator

Hour: 197 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 87 kW


nullImage of MAN E0836 LE302 Biogas Containerised Generating set showing outside of container - used gas generator for sale uk

MAN E0836 LE302 Biogas Containerised Generating set

Hour: 32,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 110 kW


Calnetix containerised 1Photo of 2 x GE Calnetix containerised ORC with turbine an dheat exchangers - organic rankine cycle

2 x GE Calnetix containerised ORC

Hour: 16,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 117 kW

€80,000 each

Calnetix ORC 1Photo of 2 x GE Calnetix heat to power ORC with heat exchangers - organic rankine cycle orc turbine

2 x GE Calnetix heat to power ORC

Hour: 7,155 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 117 kW

€70,000 each

Calnetix ORC 2Photo of GE Calnetix heat to power ORC with heat exchangers - organic rankine cycle for sale

4 x GE Calnetix heat to power ORC

Hour: 6,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 117 kW

€40,000 each

Tedom Generator SetPhoto of Tedom TG130-5V complete genset showing a compact plug-and-play power solution - gas generator

Tedom TG130 5V Complete Plug and Play

Hour: 12,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 130 kW


Tedom Generator SetPhoto of Tedom TG130 5V Complete Plug and Play with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator

Tedom TG130 5V Complete Plug and Play

Hour: 12,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 130 kW


nullImage of MAN E2876 E312 Natural Gas Generator Set with engine and alternator - used complete plug and play for sale

MAN E2876 E312 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 6,954 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 140 kW


nullPhoto of the outside of a Schnell CHP Biogas Container 160kW - used gas generator for sale

Schnell CHP Biogas Container with Liebherr L4R20.1BO Engine

Hour: 13,000 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 155 kW


nullPhoto of the outside of a Schnell CHP Biogas Container 160kW - used gas generator for sale

Schnell CHP Biogas Container 160kW

Hour: 13,000 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 155 kW


nullImage of Schnell CHP plant Biogas with Scania Engine 170kW with Engine DC9 Dual Fuel - used gas generator for sale uk

Schnell CHP plant Biogas with Scania Engine 170kW

Hour: 40,000 hr

Year: 2018

Capacity: 170 kW


nullImage of Tedom TB210 G5V TW86 Biogas Generating set showing the exterior of the container - used gas generator for sale

Tedom TB210 G5V TW 86 Complete Containerised Biogas Unit

Hour: 51 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 210 kW


nullAn image of Tedom TB210 G5V TW86 Biogas Generator Set with exhaust manifold and gas line - gas generator for sale

Tedom Cento TB210 G5V TW 86 Biogas Container Generator Set

Hour: 1,000 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 210 kW


nullExternal view of container 2G with MAN E2876LE302 230kW Biogas Generating Set - used gas generator

MAN E2876LE302 Biogas Containerised Generating set

Hour: 29,349 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 230 kW


nullImage of MAN E2848 LE322 Natural Gas electricity generating set - used gas generator

MAN E2848 LE322 Complete CHP Unit

Hour: 14,651 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 254 kW


nullPhoto of Guascor FGLD180 Natural Gas Generator Set showing exterior of plant - used gas generator for sale uk

Guascor FGLD180 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 31,284 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 260 kW


nullPhoto of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Schmitt Enertec Energen unit - used gas generator

2 x CHP Schmitt Enertec Energen Biogas

Hour: 65,600 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 260 kW

£40,000 each

nullPhoto of 2G Agenitor 406 261kW Complete Biogas Generator Set with base frame and alternator - secondhand genset for sale

2G Agenitor 406 Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 261 kW


nullImage of 2G Agenitor 406 Complete Biogas Generator Set with base frame and alternator - secondhand genset for sale uk

2G Agenitor 406 Complete Biogas Genset

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 261 kW


nullImage of Scania Schnell 265kW Biogas Generator Set with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

Scania Schnell 265kW Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 28,200 hr

Year: 2018

Capacity: 265 kW


nullImage of Scania Schnell 265kW Biogas Generator Set with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

Scania 265kW Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 28,200 hr

Year: 2018

Capacity: 265 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher 208 GSC Natural Gas Generating Set with Engine and Alternator - used gas generator

Jenbacher 208 GSC Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 60,000 hr

Year: 1995

Capacity: 280 kW


Dürr ORC 300 HT KWK 1Photo of Dürr Eco+Energy ORC 300 HT. 2016 Complete ORC with oil pump skid - organic rankine cycle used

Dürr Eco+Energy ORC 300 HT. 2016 - 500 Hours

Hour: 500 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 300 kW



Jenbacher 208 GSC01 Natural Gas Complete CHP Unit

Hour: 33,000 hr

Year: 2004

Capacity: 300 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Jenbacher 208 GS CO2 landfill Complete Containerised Generator showing outside of container - used gas generator

Jenbacher 208 GS CO2 Landfill Complete Containerised Generator

Hour: 15,000 hr

Year: 2003

Capacity: 305 kW


nullPhoto of MTU E3042Z6 Complete combined heat and power CHP natural gas genset with alternator - used genset for sale uk

MTU E3042Z6 Complete CHP Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 10,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 390 kW


nullImage of Caterpillar 3508 Natural Gas 408kW Generator Set with engine and alternator - used gas generator

2 x Caterpillar 3508 Landfill Gas Generating Sets

Hour: 46,600 hr

Year: 1994

Capacity: 408 kW

€50,000 each

nullImage of Jenbacher 208 60HZ Phase 3 Stamford Alternator - used alternator for sale

Jenbacher 208 60HZ Phase 3 Stamford Alternator

Hour: 3,000 hr

Capacity: 470 kW

Please Apply

nullPhoto showing side view of Liebherr 2G Agenitor 412 biogas genset - used gas generator

2G Agenitor 412 Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 569 kW


nullImage of Liebherr 2G Agenitor 412 biogas engine with crank case, alternator and ignition rail - used gas generator

2G Agenitor 412 Biogas Generating Set

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2017

Capacity: 569 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher 320 Wood gas / Syngas generator with frame and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

2 x Jenbacher 320 Syngas 588kW Generators

Hour: 5,000 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 588 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Jenbacher 320 Wood gas / Syngas generator with frame and alternator - used gas generator for sale uk

2 x Jenbacher 320 Wood gas / Syngas

Hour: 3,000 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 588 kW

Please Apply

Complete Turboden 700 kW ORC plant.Photo of Turboden ORC 700kW 2016 showing complete plant - used organic rankine cycle for sale

Turboden ORC 700kW 2016

Hour: 1,000 hr

Year: 2016

Capacity: 700 kW


Jenbacher 316 1Photo of 2 x Jenbacher 316GS BO3 Natural gas Generator Set featuring gas engine and alternator - used gas generator

2 x Jenbacher 316GS BO3 Natural gas Generator Set

Hour: 41,000 hr

Year: 1996

Capacity: 736 kW

Please Apply

MWM2016 1Photo showing exterior of (Deutz) MWM2016 V16 Natural Gas Generator Set - used gas generator

(Deutz) MWM2016 V16 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 40,460 hr

Year: 2007

Capacity: 750 kW


nullImage of Guascor Natural Gas Generator 800 kW Natural Gas Generating Set with crank case and cylinder heads - used gas generator

Guascor Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 36,400 hr

Year: 2002

Capacity: 800 kW


nullPhoto of MTU 8V 4000 L63 Complete 850 kW Trigeneration Plant with crankcase, top-end cylinders and pistons - used gas generators

2 X MTU 8V 4000 L63 Natural Gas Trigeneration Plant

Hour: 34,000 hr

Year: 2013

Capacity: 850 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of MTU 8V 4000 L63 Complete Trigeneration Plant with crankcase, top-end cylinders and pistons - used gas generator

2 X MTU 8V 4000 L63 Natural Gas Trigeneration Plant

Hour: 34,000 hr

Year: 2013

Capacity: 850 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Caterpillar 3516 Natural Gas Generating Set with top end cylinder - used gas generator

Caterpillar 3516 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 83,000 hr

Year: 1998

Capacity: 1,030 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher J320 Natural Gas Containerised Generator showing the exterior of the container - used gas generator

Jenbacher J320 Natural Gas Container Generator

Hour: 10,000 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 1,063 kW


nullImage showing side view of Jenbacher J320 1065 kW Natural Gas Powerplant - used gas generator

Jenbacher J320 Powerplant Natural Gas Genset

Hour: 10,000 hr

Year: 2022

Capacity: 1,065 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Complete Biogas Set with container, cooler, air intake - used gas generator for sale uk

Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Complete Containerised Biogas Unit

Hour: 800 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 1,067 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Biogas Set with container ancillaries and pipping - used gas generator

Jenbacher JMS 320 GS-B.L Complete Containerised Biogas Unit

Hour: 800 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 1,067 kW


nullExternal view of container with air intake housing 1MW Mitsubishi Diesel Genset - used diesel generator

2 x Mitsubishi Containerised Diesel Generators

Hour: 68 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 1,080 kW

Please Apply

nullExterior view of Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L complete containerized plant with steam boiler - used natural gas generator

Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L Complete Containerised Plant with Steam Boiler

Hour: 24,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,189 kW


nullExterior of Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L complete containerized Natural gas plant with steam boiler - used gas generator

Jenbacher JGS416 GS-N.L Complete Containerised Plant with Steam Boiler

Hour: 30,812 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,189 kW


nullSide view of MWM 2020V12 1200kW Biogas Generating Set with crankcase and cyclinder heads - used gas generator

MWM 2020V12 Biogas Generating Set

Hour: 18,000 hr

Year: 2014

Capacity: 1,200 kW

Please Apply

nullSide view of MWM 2020 V12 generating set with crank case and cylinders - used gas generator

MWM TCG 2020 V12 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 29,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,235 kW


nullPhoto of Jenbacher 420 biogas generating set - used gas generator

Jenbacher J420 GS-BL Biogas Generating set

Hour: 58,000 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 1,500 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher J420 1.5MW Powerplant Natural Gas Genset with cylinder heads - used gas generator

Jenbacher J420 1.5 MW Powerplant Natural Gas Genset

Hour: 4,000 hr

Year: 2019

Capacity: 1,500 kW

Please Apply

Jenbacher 420 2Photo of Jenbacher Jen 420-GS-B25 Biogas Complete Genset with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator

2 x JENBACHER Jen 420-GS-B25 Biogas Generator Set

Hour: 73,000 hr

Year: 2012

Capacity: 1,500 kW

€125,000 each

nullSide view of Caterpillar G3516E Natural Gas Generating Set - used gas generator

Caterpillar G3516E Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 28,000 hr

Year: 2011

Capacity: 1,600 kW


nullImage of Jenbacher 612 CHP Generating Set with top end cylinders and pistons - used gas generator

Complete Jenbacher 612 CHP Generating Set with CodiNox

Hour: 38,000 hr

Year: 2003

Capacity: 1,600 kW

Please Apply

nullSide view of Jenbacher 616 GSC01 Natural Gas 2MW Generating Set - used gas generator

Jenbacher 616 GSC01 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 57,000 hr

Year: 1999

Capacity: 2,000 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of used MTU 20V4000L62 Natural Gas CHP Generator Set with top end cylinders and pistons - used gas generator

MTU 20V4000L62 Natural Gas CHP Generating Set

Hour: 15,000 hr

Year: 2012

Capacity: 2,000 kW


nullImage showing side view of MAN 8 L27/38 Diesel Generator Set - used diesel generator

2 x MAN 8 L27/38 Diesel Generator Sets

Hour: 9,000 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 2,400 kW

€200,000 each


5 x Jenbacher 616 Natural Gas Generating Sets

Hour: 30,000 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 2,500 kW


nullImage of Wartsila 16V25SG Combined Heat and Power Natural Gas Generating Set - used gas generator

2 x Wartsila 16V25SG Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generators

Hour: 3,000 hr

Year: 1996

Capacity: 2,866 kW

Please Apply

nullImage of Rolls Royce KVSG 18 G4 Natural Gas Generator Set with gas engine and alternator - used gas generator

Rolls Royce KVSG 18 G4 Natural Gas Generator Set

Hour: 63,000 hr

Year: 2004

Capacity: 3,155 kW


nullImage of Siemens 3MW Steam Turbine Power Station - used turbine for sale

Complete Siemens SST-110 TWIN AFA 46 K Steam Turbine Power Station

Hour: 5,200 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 3,224 kW

Please Apply


8 x Jenbacher 620 Complete containerised Natural Gas Units

Hour: 12,300 hr

Year: 2013

Capacity: 3,300 kW


nullImage of Bergen KVGS-18G4.2 natural gas engine with alternator in the foreground - used gas generator

Bergen KVGS-18G4.2 Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 62,595 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 3,500 kW


nullPhoto of Turbogas Turbine GE5/1 5MW complete turbogas turbine plant with electric generators - secondhand gas turbine

Turbogas Turbine GE5-1 5MW Year 2015

Hour: 36,000 hr

Year: 2015

Capacity: 5,000 kW


nullTop view of Bergen B35:40-V12 AG natural gas generating set - used gas generator

Bergen B35:40-V12 AG Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 57,000 hr

Year: 2008

Capacity: 5,000 kW


nullTop view of Bergen B35:40-V16 AG, 6.8 MW, natural gas engine - used gas generator

Bergen B35:40-V16 AG Natural Gas Generating Set

Hour: 65,800 hr

Year: 2006

Capacity: 6,800 kW


nullImage of Kawasaki 7.2MW Turbine Complete CHP Generator Set with acoustic canopy - used gas turbine

Kawasaki M7A-03D Natural Gas Turbine Complete CHP Generating Set

Hour: 10,000 hr

Year: 2010

Capacity: 7,200 kW

Please Apply

9MW Wärtsilä W20V34 Natural Gas Engine GeneratorPhoto of 9MW Wärtsilä W20V34GS Natural Gas Engine Generator with synchronization Panels and switchgear - used gas generator

9MW Wärtsilä W20V34GS Natural Gas Engine Generator

Hour: 17,450 hr

Year: 2007

Capacity: 9,000 kW

Please Apply

nullPhoto from exterior of Jenbacher 320 Container, showing part of inside, including control panel.

Original Jenbacher 320 Container

Please Apply

transformer-1Photo of 800 KVA Transformer with a 1000A LV panel Schneider Electric showing exterior - used transformers

800 KVA Transformer with a 1000A LV panel Schneider Electric

Year: 2004


1-Genset-ContainerPhoto showing exterior of purpose made generator container with ventilation fans

Genset container


nullImage of APROVIS FriCon Gas Dehumidifier and Desulfurizer Plant - used gas treatment system

Aprovis FriCon Gas Dehumidifier and Desulfurizer Plant

Year: 2019

Please Apply

nullPhoto of Biogas Desulphurization Installation

Biox®Bioscrubber 2500m3 Biogas Desulphurization Installation

Year: 2020

Please Apply

Switchgear 1null

SHS2 Switchgear

Please Apply

nullPhoto showing exterior of 1000kVA MATELEC 3 phase ONAN Transformer - used transfomers

1000kVA MATELEC 3 phase ONAN Transformer


Jenbacher-312 1A photo of a Jenbacher 312 container, showing a complete view of the outside

Jenbacher 312 Container

Please Apply


MAN E2842 12 Cylinders 30 foot Container

Please Apply


C-Deg Gas Flare

Year: 2020
